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Leadership Development Strategy

Leadership Development Strategy

Create a strategic plan for leadership development across your business.

Lift individual and collective performance by creating a positive, productive and enjoyable place to work. Psychological safety is now a Work, Health & Safety requirement, but also enhances employee retention, reducing recruitment costs and providing ongoing customer care. 


It has now been empirically proven that leaders who embrace authenticity, and the importance of relationship and empowerment of others, automatically enhance productivity and performance in both themselves and their teams. 


Release Leadership assesses the needs of your leaders and creates a strategic plan that ensures your leaders set such a positive and productive culture. The use of assessment tools such as 360 degree feedback,  personality profiling and identifying high potentials, all contribute to the creation of a robust strategy that guarantees transformation in your leadership. 


From  creating a coaching culture, through to management training & succession planning, Kathryn will give you the clarity and direction you need for building successful leaders across your organisation. 

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