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Coaching Conversations - The way to stimulate self-leadership in others

  • 2 Steps


Anyone can add some coaching skills to their conversations in the workplace, business or life! The "Coaching Conversations" course will set you up with the basics you need to begin. Coaching skills can be useful in all areas of work and business – from empowering productivity in your team members, sales skills, business negotiations, and conflict resolution. You will learn: - Why add coaching techniques to conversation? Benefits to you, and to those you serve- specific context examples. - Effective Listening skills - How to use Reflective & Open Questions - Models of coaching – e.g. GROW - Useful tools to take away, e.g. SMART goals, Focus Wheel, SWOT analysis, Reframing There will be live coaching demonstrations from professional coaches, and an opportunity to practice your new skills.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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